Journal Press India®

Vol 9 , Issue 1 , January - June 2008 | Pages: 1-20 | Research Paper

Challenges Facing Change Management:Theories and Research

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. Sonia Taneja, Lecturer, Texas A& M University-Commerce, PO Box-3011, Commerce,, Texas-75429, USA (
2. John Humphreys, Associate Professor, Texas A& M University-Commerce, PO Box-3011, Commerce,, Texas-75429, USA
3. Donna Anderson, Lecturer, Texas A& M University-Commerce, PO Box-3011, Commerce,, Texas-75429, USA
4. Lisa Singleton, Research Associate, Texas A& M University-Commerce-Commerce, PO Box-3011, Commerce,, Texas-75429, USA
5. * Mildred Golden Pryor, Professor, Texas A&M University-Commerce, PO Box 3011, Commerce, Texas -75429, USA

Purpose: The present research attempts to study on selected change management models and research, their relevance in today’s global economy and the challenges facing organizational leaders and researchers in terms of their application and expected result. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodological approach of this research study is descriptive and the data obtained various secondary data sources in thematic form. It is based on relatively new strategic model as well as new applications of existing change management models and theories. Findings: The analysis shows that the change management models that have been discussed in this research are still relevant and can be used as they have been in the past, with one exception – the speed at which the steps, stages, or phases of the models occur. Research Limitations: The main limitation of the study was that the data was based only on secondary sources. This research should also investigate what parts of the system are missing or inadequately aligned in order to predict how capable the organizations are in terms of organizational transformation. Managerial Implications: The implication for management is that Organizations need more than a model that simply helps an organization move from the current state to a future state. What is needed is a comprehensive, systems model that is strategic, yet also has elements that are executable at the tactical level. The 5 P’s Model is such a comprehensive, strategic, systems model. Originality/Value: This study showcased the original work of the authors to understand the selected change management models and research, their relevance in today’s global economy and the challenges facing organizational leaders and researchers in terms of their application and expected results as well as the speed and complexity of change required.


Change Management, Transformation, Organizational Transformation, Organizational Change.

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