Journal Press India®

Vol 7 , Issue 2 , July - December 2006 | Pages: 99-109 | Research Paper

World Trade Organization, Intellectual: Property Rights and Basmati Rice Exports, Issues in Focus

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Prabir Bagchi, Manager Corporate Affairs, Advance Institute Of Management, Ghaziabad, UP, India (

Purpose: The study is aimed at examining the impact of protection of basmati rice seeds on Indian agriculture. Design/Methodology/Approach: Questionnaire used for data collection was vetted by panel of experts at different levels. The process of collection of data was conducted through personal interviews, mail surveys and telephonic interviews. The sample consists of five segments – seed companies; agricultural scientists; non-governmental organizations and farmers, organizations; experts in agriculture; professors and academicians. Data of 250 respondents was analyzed using the Chi- square test. Findings: The recent survey indicates that these IPR provisions will not affect exports of basmati rice in the international market, rather it is the infrastructural problems that create all the hassles towards export of basmati rice from India. Research Limitations: Strategies can also be discussed within the TRIPS framework. Managerial Implications: Government of India should improve infrastructural bottlenecks to improve the situation concerning exports. Farmers have to be made more aware about the provisions of Farmers Rights and farmers Privilege. Originality/Values: The study highlights the need for India to weigh and examine that whether the G-20 can also successfully deliver on its other market access requirements such as mode 4 textiles and non-agricultural sectors.


IPRS/SEEDS/ PBR (Plant Breeders Rights)/Biopiracy/agricultural subsidies/ genetic engineering/ monoculture/farmers/ genetic pollution.

  1. D. Posey & G. Dutfield (1996) Beyond Intellectual Property Rights, (Ottawa: IDRC), Rural Advancement Foundation International, November/December 1995. “Sixty Five Years of the U.S. Plant Patents Act”, RAFI Communique.
  2. TRIPS (1995) Committee on Trade and Environment of the World Trade Organization, Environment and TRIPS, WT/CTE/ W/8, p.23, 8 June.
  3. Jha, Gupta, Nedempara, Karthikeyan (2005) Trade Liberalization and Poverty In India, Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi.
  4. K. Maskus (2000) Gould and Grouben 1996 in Intellectual Property Rights in the Global Economy.
  5. Sahai, Suman (2002) “India’s Plant Variety Protection and Farmer’s Rights Act Bridges Weekly, 2002.
  6. Joshi, S. (2003) Hindu Business Line, 12 December.
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