Journal Press India®

Vol 7 , Issue 2 , July - December 2006 | Pages: 71-77 | Research Paper

Section Technology Enabled Marketing Developmental Perspective of Technology Enabled Marketing: A Case Study of Bangalore, Silicon Valley of India

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * S. Shajahan, ICFAI Business School, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Purpose: This paper is an attempt to analyze India’s increasing share of services in the GDP & total employment. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is based on secondary sources taken from journals, reports, and online resources Findings: Since the developed world is expected to face a human resources shortage of 6 million people by 2050, efforts are on to ensure liberalization of market access to enable them to tap potentials. Currently emphasis is on mode-4 which pertains to temporary movement of professionals to deliver services and mode-1 which covers trade channels like outsourcing. Research Limitations: Influences of new technologies on both firm strategies and consumer (and customer) behaviors can be analyzed to better understand the impact of these technologies. Managerial Implications: The recent strain on the system such as employment retention, spiraling hiring cost and infrastructure breakdown indicates that scaling growth from this point on would demand extraordinary bold and new thinking from business and government to go to the next level. Originality/Values: The study starkly points out that local business and government are faced with stark choices: evolve to higher value activities or lose out in the future.


Technology Enabled Marketing, Off shoring, Outsourcing, ITES

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