Journal Press India®

Vol 7 , Issue 2 , July - December 2006 | Pages: 59-69 | Research Paper

Forecasting Stock Index Returns Using Neural Networks

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * M. Thenmozhi, Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai –, Tamil Nadu, India (

Purpose: This paper applies neural network models to predict the daily returns of the BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) Sensex. Multilayer perceptron network is used to build the daily returns model and the network is trained using the Error Back Propagation algorithm. Design/Methodology/Approach: The data consists of daily index values of the BSE Sensex. The period under consideration is 16/01/1980 to 26/09/1997. The data set consists of 3667 data points. The data has been obtained from the Capitaline 2000 database that provides daily stock market data. The entire analysis has been done basically on the daily returns rather than the raw index value. Findings: The results show that the predictive power of the network model is influenced by the previous day’s return than the first three-day’s inputs. The study shows that satisfactory results can be achieved when applying neural networks to predict the BSE Sensex. Research Limitations: Further, experimentation is required for producing better prediction of stock prices and further work has to be done by testing it for weekly or monthly returns, as well as by including other micro and macro-economic variables as inputs. Managerial Implications: Global financial market players, institutional investors and generic software developers should consider developing stock market trading strategies using neural networks. Originality/Values: An attempt is made in this study to understand the use of neural networks in the field of finance.


Stock market prediction, Neural networks, Financial forecasting, nonlinear time series analysis

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