Journal Press India®

Vol 7 , Issue 2 , July - December 2006 | Pages: 43-58 | Research Paper

Foreign Direct Investment: India vis-à-vis China

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Anuradha Anand, Reader in Economics, Janki Devi Memorial College, University of Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, India

Purpose: The paper is an attempt to study the FDI policies and paths followed by China and India after the shedding away of restrictive and protectionist policy regime. Design/Methodology/Approach: Descriptive study based on secondary data. Findings: The study highlights the increasing importance of FDI sector, as in the last few years, the emerging market countries such as China and India have become the most favoured destinations for FDI and investor confidence in these countries has soared. But, at the same time it also points out the problems and challenges associated with it in both the countries. Research Limitations: Data pertaining to pre-liberalization can also be incorporated to get a holistic perspective. Managerial Implications: Attention has been drawn towards formulating policy framework to address the need of sustainable development. Originality/Values: The study highlights the need to deal with the problem of equitable distribution of growing size of GDP, regional imbalances, poverty, etc.


Foreign Direct Investment, India, China, Asia, Capital Flows, Structure & Composition.

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