Published Online: January 05, 2006
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Purpose: The dimensions of organization role stress (ORS) increase, the confidence of the employee diminishes. What are the effects of such pressure (ORS) and what are the implications on the organization? Does the employee feel helpless due to ORS? Design/Methodology/Approach: Survey was conducted in 5 NGOs, and data were collected through a Questionnaire. For measuring LH scale used was of -LH Scale (Dhar, 1987), which is constituted of 15 items. Descriptive and inferential statistics such as Correlation Analysis, Regression Analysis, and Z-test for this study were applied in order to prove the hypothesis of the study. This study was conducted with a sample size of 84 employees. Findings: The results imply that there exists a strong and positive relationship between ORS and LH. The relationship is found significantly correlated. Results suggest that in NGOs helplessness has strong correlation with four factors of ORS namely Role expectation Conflict, Self-Role Distance, Role Ambiguity, and Resource Inadequacy. Research Limitations: Sample Size is not large enough, and study is limited to NGO only. Managerial Implications: NGOs may develop more conscious managerial approach like proactive planning, strategic alliance with vision and mission, clearly defined structure to reduce the stress level among the employees. Originality/Value: This study would propose a model showing the relationship between ORS and LH.
Organisational Role Stress, Human Resource Management, Role Expectation Conflict, Self Role Distance, Role Ambiguity, NGOs.