Journal Press India®

Vol 7 , Issue 1 , January - June 2006 | Pages: 59-70 | Research Paper

Role of Knowledge Manager in Knowledge- Product Development: Evidence from Indian Automotive Industry

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Himanshu Dutt, Lecturer in Management, Department of Management, Delhi School of Professional Studies & Research (DSPSR) (Affiliated to GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi and Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Government of India),, Delhi, Delhi, India

Purpose: This paper seeks to establish the role of knowledge leveler in 'Knowledge Product Development' which has become a competency tool of the present times. The paper critically examines the process of knowledge integration in product development as based on his capabilities and firm’s strategic vision and, thereafter seeks to establish an identity for this ‘exchange facilitator’ as the diversity in his roles increases. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research approach is inductive in nature. The inductive approach can be described as research approach involving the development of a theory as a result of the observation of the practical data (Saunders et al, 2003). Out of the 32 SMEs interviewed personally, 28 responded with detailed and required information for this study. Secondary data, was, obtained from report on Automobile Industry, (2005) on and, Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers, (2005) and the respective official websites of the firms. Also, the journals, research articles, white papers, books and websites for gathering information on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Product Development were observed. Findings: Knowledge Management improves performance as it affects ‘what is done’, ‘how it is done’ and ‘how well it is done’. Research Limitations: Some statistical tools might have applied on primary data to bring actual picture. Managerial Implications: The ‘knowledge manager’ as researched herein, generates and integrates knowledge in such a way that it creates a competitive advantage for a firm, which reaps up quick benefits and sometimes long term benefits, depending upon the complexity of innovation, out of their ability to innovate. Originality/Value: This study is original in nature


Knowledge Management System, Product Development, Core Competence, Knowledge Products, Knowledge Manager.

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