Journal Press India®

Vol 6 , Issue 2 , July - December 2005 | Pages: 29-50 | Research Paper

Opportunity to Earn a Lot: The Prime Motivator for Indian Youth for Career Options

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Dharmendra Singh, DBA, JD, Professor in Human Resource and Management Studies, Saint Leo University, Florida, Florida, USA (

Purpose: This study aims at measuring the degree of involvement of various individuals in the choice of a career for student respondents, ranking of various professions available in the country by student respondents, importance of various motivators for student respondents. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study uses exploratory as well as a descriptive research design. It uses both close-ended as well as open-ended questions. Close-ended questions have been used in respect of such issues wherein the contours of the research problem have been ascertained on the basis of survey of existing literature. However, those issues wherein the dimensions of the problems are not yet clear, open ended questions have been asked. The analysis of close-ended questions has been done using standard statistical procedures. Two separate questionnaires were developed for student and defense respondents. Findings: ‘Opportunity to Earn a Lot’ and an ‘Assured Job’ are important motivators for today’s youth. On the contrary, adventurous life style and glamour of uniform do not fascinate youngsters any longer. Bright and ambitious youth prefer cushy jobs in MNCs and Indian Companies, which offer attractive pay ‘package’. Youngsters stay away from the Armed Forces. Research Limitations: This limits the generalization of the findings to only the study sample. Despite that limitation, the findings are quite indicative of the broad trends. Managerial Implications: About the implications, changes brought upon in the recruitment ideology for the Indian Defence soon after independence, with the intention of broadening the base for bringing about equality and national integration have had their obvious derogatory effect on the professional standards of the Armed Forces. Originality/Value: This study showcased the original work of the authors in the choice of career by the student.


Career Preferences, Youth, Motivators, Armed Forces, Defence Services

  1. Albuquerque, Usha (2001), Career Guide – Humanities, MC Graw Hills Co, Mumbai.
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  5. Chaffe, G.H. and Edmonds, P.J. (1963), Careers Encyclopedia, a work of reference upon some 250 occupations for Teachers, Parents, School Leavers, Undergraduates and Employment Officials, Third Edition , Macmillan and Cleaver Ltd, London.
  6. Chibber, Lt Gen (Dr.) M.L., PVSM, AVSM Ph D (1986), ‘Military as a career’ published by USI.
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  8. Green, R.T. and White, P.D. (1976), ‘Methodological Considerations in Cross National Consumer Research’ Journal of International Business Studies, Vol. 7, p.17.
  9. Janowitz, Morris (1964), The Professional Soldier, The Free Press of Glencoe Currier, Macmillan Ltd, London, First Edition, pp.104-124.
  10. Keller, Franklin J. (1948), Vocational Guidance throughout The World- a comparative Survey, DC Heath and Company, Boston.
  11. Kumar, Dinesh (1998), “Army is short of 13000 officers”. Times of India 14th July p.1.
  12. Mahajan, Lt Gen R.N., PVSM, VSM (Retd.) (1999), How to Make a Career in the Armed Forces Attractive. A survey project report published in United Services Institution of India (USI) journal October-December pp.514-25.
  13. Mandle, Col Y.A. (1979), Motivation, USI, Journal, June p.62-74.
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  1. (Official website of Indian Armed Forces)
  2. (Indian Army in Kashmir)
  3. (Indian Air Force Website)
  4. (Indian Army Home Page)
  5. (Indian Army Career Prospects)  
  6. (for analysis of Society for Human Resource Management)
  7. (Samsung Group Website)
  8. (US Army)
  9. (care Package)
  10. (US Department of Defense)
  11. (Department of National Defense and Canadian Forces)
  12. (Motivation for your happiness and success)
  13. (Employee Motivation at the work place- theory and practice)


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