Journal Press India®

Vol 6 , Issue 1 , January - June 2005 | Pages: 105-106 | Research Paper

Collaborative Development of e-Learning Courseware

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * B. R. Mandre, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering and IT, SSVPS, BS Deore College of Engineering, Dhule, Maharashtra, India. (

Purpose: The present study is a research on another side of the coin in the development of the e-learning material or courseware. The author proposes a model of e-learning courseware development paradigm based on collaborative efforts thus facilitating learning and related development activities. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodological approach of this research study is descriptive and the data is obtained from various secondary data sources in thematic form. Findings: This paper proposes a model of collaborative development for better e-learning courseware by involving the best people in the knowledge domain. Research Limitations: The main limitation for this study is that it is based on secondary data. Replicating the research approach with more comprehensive data would result in deriving better conclusion. Managerial Implications: The implications for management from this study are that the author proposes a model of e-learning courseware development paradigm based on collaborative efforts thus facilitating learning and related development activities. In this model, an organization can initiate and coordinate the whole development of the project. Originality/Value: This study showcased the original work of the author in the field of e-learning courseware development paradigm based on collaborative efforts thus facilitating learning and related development activities beyond the barrier of the borders.


E-Learning, distance learning, E-Learning Courseware, collaborative development.

  1. Brodsky, Mark (2003) E-Learning Trends, Today and Beyond. Learning and Training Innovations Magazine, jsp?id=56219, Date accessed June 2003.
  2. Pete, M. and Khalili, P. (1998) Changing roles of lecturers in a resource-based, open learning environment. Technology and Teacher Education Annual. 1998 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). University of Virginia, USA.
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