Journal Press India®

Vol 6 , Issue 1 , January - June 2005 | Pages: 53-65 | Research Paper

Antecedents of on-line Buying Implications for the Business-to- Consumer E-commerce

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Versha Mehta Khajuria, Reader, Department of Management Studies, University of Jammu, Jammu, J&K, India
2. Alka Sharma, Senior Lecturer, Department of Management Studies, University of Jammu, Jammu, J&K, India

Purpose: The present study is based on the antecedents of on-line buying implications for the business-to-consumer e-commerce. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodological approach of this research study is analytical and the data is obtained from various primary and secondary data sources in thematic form. Findings: The analysis of data collected revealed that there exists a very positive intent among the respondents (students) for making on-line purchases. Utilitarian and social outcomes are the most significant factors contributing towards the acceptance of on-line model for purchase. This is followed by the social influences that turn non-buyers into buyers. Hedonic outcomes have been found to be the least significant factor in the acceptance of B2C e-commerce. Research Limitations: The main limitation for this study is that it is based on limited sample size of primary data because it has been done on a student population. Replicating the research approach with more primary data would result in deriving better conclusion. Managerial Implications: The implications for management from this study are that there are significant takeaways for them based on students’ on-line buying behavior. E-Commerce has opened a new universe for consumers and organizations. Companies are trying to exploit the potential of the Internet not only for acquiring the customers but also for retaining them with a long-lasting relationship. Companies need to formulate strategies to cater for the new generation hybrid customer, who would like to keep diverse buying options with him, both on and off line. Originality/Value: This study showcased the original work of the authors in the field of on-line buying behavior, the paper seeks to investigate the purchase intent of buying on-line amongst students, who are perceived as being the front-runners in the use of technology and the Internet.


E-Commerce, B2C, On-Line, Buying Behavior, E-Consumer.

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