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Purpose: The paper seeks to investigate the inadequacies of the present Army education and training system and suggest suitable measures to rejuvenate this system. The aim of this paper is to suggest suitable measures for educational amelioration of Indian Army personnel. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodological approach of this research study is analytical and the data is obtained through primary data sources as well as secondary data sources. The study uses both exploratory as well as descriptive research design. The analysis of close ended and open-ended questions have been done by employing standard statistical procedures of frequency and percentages. Findings: The weaknesses revealed in the study are absence of adequate feedback on education and training programs by students, limited opportunities for higher education for Personnel Below Officers Ranks (PBOR), biased concept of education in favour of training, paucity of funds for educational programs, inadequate incentives, insufficient utilization of qualified personnel for organizational benefit, obsolescent Army educational organization, absence of multidisciplinary approach towards education, absence of internal learning needed for introspection of ones weaknesses, poor educational infrastructure. Research Limitations: The study was confined to 300 respondents from the Indian Army, both serving and retired, of varying seniority, rank structure and socio-economic background. This limits the generalisation of the study to only the study sample. Managerial Implications: The Indian Army is facing numerous challenges in its endeavour to impart quality education and training programs. The socio economic transition in society, the technological changes coupled with problem of technology assimilation and rapid obsolescence of weapons and equipment, shrinking defense budgets and fiscal constraints are only some issues. While adequate attention is paid to the development of skills, attitudes and desirable job related behaviours of Indian Army personnel through carefully planned individual and collective training programs, the aspects of broad based education programs needed for integrated and holistic development of personality are ignored. Therefore, the aim of this research is to suggest suitable measures for educational amelioration of Indian Army personnel. Originality/Value: This study showcased the original work of the author in suggesting measures for revamping of education and training schedule for young officers, middle ranking officers, senior officers and Personnel Below Officers Ranks (PBOR) of the Indian Army.
Indian Army, Personnel, Education, Training Programs, Quality.