Journal Press India®

Vol 6 , Issue 1 , January - June 2005 | Pages: 11-25 | Research Paper

Innovation-Sponsoring Capability Among Executives

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * R.S. Dwivedi, Professor Emeritus, Delhi School of Professional Studies & Research, (GGS Indraprastha University), Delhi, Delhi, India

Purpose: The present study is an attempt to examine whether executives in Indian enterprises really possess the desired level of innovation-sponsoring capability that is so much needed for their survival and success in the 21st century. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodological approach of this research study is analytical and the data is obtained through primary data sources in thematic form. The statistical techniques used in analysing the data included: mean, SD, SE and Coefficient of correlation (Pearson’s product moment). Findings: As revealed from the analysis of data, level of innovation sponsoring capability of executives was below the national norm (mean = 4.0) for innovative professionals; individually, most of the executives (nearly three-fourths) were also below this norm. Except on two subscales - ‘environmental and political sensitivity’ and ‘proclivity for social/organizational innovation’. The study implies, concerted efforts must be made to strengthen/develop innovation sponsoring capabilities of executives in conjunction with taking appropriate measures to inspire innovation among people for corporate survival and success in today’s turbulent environment. Research Limitations: The main limitation for this study was based on the limited random sample of only 30 executives from three organizations. Originality/Value: This study depicted the original work of the authors in showcasing the innovation-sponsoring capability among executives.


Innovation, capabilities, executives, corporate survival, corporate excellence

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