Journal Press India®

Vol 25 , Issue 2 , July - December 2024 | Pages: 57-63 | Research Paper

Factors Influencing Consumer Brand Preference in RetailStores

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Tejesh H.R., Lecturer, Faculty of Commerce, SUBN Theosophical Women’s College, Hosapete,Vijayanagara, Karnataka, India (
2. Khajabee M, Lecturer, Faculty of Commerce, Nalanda Independent PU College, Ballari, Karnataka, India

Purpose: This study aims to investigate the characteristics that influence buyers’ preferences for various retail brands, with an emphasis on store ambience, location, layout, parking availability, and the quality of service provided by salespeople. Design/Methodology/Approach: To assess the research framework and hypotheses, this study’s respondents are shoppers who visit and purchase in retail outlets. The study is based on primary data acquired through a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire used a 5-point Likert scale to assess responses to the five factors being researched. A purposive sampling strategy was applied. Findings: Consumers choose retail stores with a pleasant atmosphere, a well-designed store layout, plenty of parking space, high-quality salesperson service, and a convenient location. Retail store managers actively prioritize these characteristics to increase the appeal of their stores and make them preferred options among customers. Research Limitations: This study has some limitations. It concentrated on a specific geographical area (India) and employed a purposeful sample technique, which could create selection bias. Managerial Implications: In practice, the study underlines the importance of store atmosphere, location, layout, parking availability, and service quality in shaping consumer brand preferences at retail outlets. As a result, the study proposes that retail managers focus on enhancing these factors to increase the appeal of their stores and attract more customers. Originality/Value: This study demonstrated the significance of specific shop environmental elements in influencing consumer brand preferences in retail outlets.


Store Ambience, Location, Layout, Parking Facility, and Quality Service

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