Journal Press India®

Vol 25 , Issue 2 , July - December 2024 | Pages: 23-31 | Research Paper

Is the Age of Social Media Leading Towards Social Isolation?

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. Mamta Chawla, Associate Professor, NA, Amity Global Business School, Amity University, UP, India
2. Amit Verma, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Kalicharan PG College, Lucknow, UP, India
3. * Prasenjit Kumar, Chairman, London College of Management and Technology, IEP Italy and the London School of Executive Training, United Kingdom (
4. Aparajita Das Gupta Amist, Dean, Amity Global Business School, Amity University,Gautam Budh Nagar, Noida, UP, India

Purpose: In this paper, the authors have attempted to explore the ill effects of unmonitored and uncensored popular communication media used for socialization. The major thrust of the paper is to make business owners, marketers, and other stakeholders more aware and initiate a movement of awareness towards the usage of social media. Design/ Methodology: The present research in hand adopts an exploratory research design, wherein different incidents of usage of social media have been compiled based on online reports, statistics, and scholarly work. Further, the work can be extended in terms of experimental research to get the results of various interventions. Findings: Social media is more than Facebook only. Crossing boundaries of nations and capability to be available even with low bandwidth and poor data connection; earlier faced a lot of challenges in different parts of the world. Some still talk about the digital divide; some deny it. Research Limitations: This study based on secondary sources highlights the negative aspects of social media has inherent limitations of any type of secondary data-based research. The best example is banking and financing institutions and governing bodies. Further, more insights have been high- lighted in the present work. Managerial Implications: It is alarming and would be disastrous unless combined responsibility is undertaken by all the stakeholders to ensure that the understanding and intended purpose of social media and its usage are continually monitored, evaluated, and managed. Originality/Value: The study highlighted the precautions to be taken to avoid the undesired future of irresponsible digital natives, who can be a burden to society. The paper suggests the precautions and the interventions to be advised with the required administration approaches by different stakeholders, specifically with the spread of consumerism, business concerns need to indulge in responsible marketing while employing social media.


Ethics, Socialization, Social Media, Social Marketing, Social Networking, Society, and Values

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