Journal Press India®

Vol 25 , Issue 2 , July - December 2024 | Pages: 1-9 | Research Paper

Ensuring Inclusive and Equitable Access to Quality Education for the Survival of Humanity and Development of Global Peace

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Janardan Paudel, Retired Lecturer, NA, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal (

Purpose: This study aims to demonstrate the significance of inclusive,equitable, and high-quality education for human survival and the achievement of world peace. The world is full of instability, hardship, starvation,illness, marginalization, and illiteracy these days. This research highlightsthe vital importance of high-quality education in fostering international and global peace, which is fundamental to human existence. Achieving thegoals of sustainable development is key to establishing lasting peace. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodology of this study involves reviewing research documents, conducting interviews with political figures, and analyzing speeches from experts and distinguished individuals. These speeches are also accessible via YouTube channels. Consequently, this study is qualitative and lacks quantitative data. Findings: Globalization has made the world a smaller place, driven by advances in technology, transportation, and communication. Modern technology has transformed production methods, creating a demand for new skills beyond basic education. Research Limitation: This research study specifically focuses on world peace through various ideas and sources. The methods used to shape the world will yield corresponding outcomes. Therefore, ensuring the survival of humanity will lead to peace and prosperity on our planet. Managerial Implications: This research study suggests that human survival is crucial for establishing peace on Earth. Therefore, quality education, coupled with inclusion and equity for everyone, is essential for achieving peace and affirming human identity. Originality/ Value: This study maintains its originality, rendering it significantly valuable in contemporary society. Its significance lies in its aim to protect humanity from destruction. To achieve this, quality education that incorporates technology and spirituality is of utmost importance.


Educational Equity, Human Survival and Global Peace, Inclusive Education, Inner Awareness, and Quality Education.

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