Published Online: June 01, 2024
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Purpose: The present study endeavours to uncover the moderating role of marketer related activities (service quality and price promotions) and consumer characteristics (flow) on online retail customer satisfaction. It specifically examines the moderating influences on Gen Z consumers. Design/Methodology/Approach: Survey responses were gathered from 700 students who were pursuing MBA from two universities in North India. Findings: The study concludes that Gen Z consumers who have lower service quality perceptions feel less satisfied when a lot of price promotions are directed at them. Customers witnessing low flow feel less satisfied with an increase in service quality perception. For customers feeling high flow, customer satisfaction rises rapidly with increase in service quality and price promotions. Consumers who exhibit low receptivity towards price promotions and low flow experiences, feel more satisfied with an increase in service quality. Consumers in low flow, who are highly receptive towards price promotions, feel similarly satisfied at low and moderate levels of service quality; but customer satisfaction rises as service is perceived to be of high quality for these customers. Research Limitations: The present study is based on cross-sectional data. So, temporal changes in Gen Z customers cannot be predicted through this study. Managerial Application: Marketers should focus on website experiences that enhance flow keeping specifically into mind the needs of Gen Z customers. This will help the e-retailers take initial steps to push customers higher on the customer loyalty ladder. Originality/Value: This is an original piece of work as primary data have been collected from students of different universities in North India.
Flow, E-service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Gen Z, and Online Retail.