Published Online: December 12, 2023
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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to assess the level of engagement, with their work among the employees working in various sectors during the pandemic. Design/Methodology/Approach: A critical review of existing literature in journals, books, and websites has been done. The u-Trecht scale conceived by Schaufeli & Bakker, (2004) has been used for assessing the engagement level. Samples have been drawn from different sectors like government, private, and public sector undertakings. Findings: The study suggests that there has not been a major difference in the level of engagement while working from home. Only two aberrations were found- Women employees reported less dedication than their male counterparts and employees having experience of more than 15 years, worked more vigorously than their colleagues with less experience. Research Limitations: These findings need to be further studied to have more clarity in this regard. Managerial Implications: In the post-pandemic times, the overwhelming majority of employees have voted for their preference for the hybrid mode of working. The study shows that the level of engagement while working from home is similar to what employees were having at their workplace, This could help management in the formulation of policies related to working from home and offer it as an option for the employees. Original Value: The present study is based on real-time data and will be able to provide a framework for policy formulation concerning working from home or a hybrid mode of working.
Work from Home, Employee Engagement, and Utrecht Scale.