Published Online: December 12, 2023
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Purpose: This study investigates the difference in the degree of investment cognizance among university students of Bhutan based on gender and educational institutions and attempts to discover the relationship and the impact of the identified factors on investment knowledge among university students of Bhutan. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study has adopted the quantitative approach and employed a stratified random sampling method. Data was collected from 328 students through online and analyzed by deploying independent sample t-tests, correlations, and regression with the help of SPSS. Findings: The determinations of this research paper brought out the fact that the students of GCBS have a higher level of investment awareness as compared to the students of SC. Further, male students have a higher level of investment knowledge than female counterparts. Research Limitations: The research was conducted in a university setting leaving other important stakeholders from both public and private sectors. Managerial Implications: It may aid potential investors in understanding the significant determinants of investment knowledge in the country. Further, it may help bankers and policymakers to strategies their current policies to attract investment. Originality/Value: The findings of the study are primarily based on first- hand information obtained from the students of two educational institutions in Bhutan.
Financial Knowledge, Investment Knowledge, Self-control, and Family Financial Socialization.