Published Online: June 03, 2023
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Purpose: The objective of this paper is to analyze the existing body of knowledge on disruptive innovation, management, and public adminis- tration and identify directions for further research. The paper used Biblio- shiny to analyze disruptive innovation, management, and public adminis- tration documents retrieved from the database of Web of Science with a time filter of 1994 to 2022 and Scopus Repository from 2010 to 2021. Design/Methodology/Approach: A bibliometric study was conducted on 404 documents retrieved from the database of the Web of Science. Further 9 documents from the SCOPUS repository with the same search key have also been included in the research. A systematic review of existing literature on ‘disruptive innovation, management, and public administration’ was performed using Biblioshiny (R Software). Findings: This paper classifies the key authors working on different themes of disruptive innovation, management, and public administration. It also provides diversified themes in terms of their centrality and relevance along with citation analysis of, a three-field plot with source-country keywords. It also offers a list of key research areas (KRAs) to conduct further research. Originality/Value: The present research explores the existing body of knowledge on disruptive innovation, management, and public administration and identifies the key areas of research in this field. It also aims to act as a point of reference for researchers working in the field of disruptive management, and public administration.
Disruptive Innovation, Disruptive Management, Public Administration, Public Policy, Bibliometric Analysis.