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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present domestic violence existing against women in Nepalese families and societies. Although people are educated, domestic violence against women is not minimized and appears in many families as before. This research study also shows that patriarchal families and societies are extremely dominating women. Design/Methodology/Approach: Furthermore, regarding methodology, this is a qualitative study, and data are collected through interviews and document analysis. This is an ethnographic design under qualitative study. The study maintains convenience sampling under purposive sampling related to a qualitative study. A woman fallen victim to domestic violence will be identified and interviewed and through her another woman of a similar category is identified to interview and collect data. Findings: Nepal is a small country situated between two large countries, China and India. Nepal is surrounded by China in the northern part and by India in the eastern, southern, and western parts. So, the lifestyle of the people in the northern part of Nepal is like that of the Tibetan tribes; and similarly, the lifestyle of the people in the eastern, southern, and western parts is similar to that of Indian people. The findings of this study show that society has not taken responsibility to control discrimination and domestic violence taking place against women. This is an unsolved social responsi- bility. Research Limitation: This research study is ethnography in research design that does not cover more aspects of the male population. And also it is a qualitative study and does not point out any statistical tools and numerical data. Managerial Implications: This research implies that women need equality in family and society, maintaining a humanistic view of women and impli- cations for further research. Originality/Value: This research study has maintained its originality and it has also got great value. The delimitation of this study is that it concerns the discrimination and domestic violence against women in families and societies.
Patriarchal Society, Discrimination and Domestic Violence, Women as an Object, Oppression of Women.