Received: August 05, 2021 | Revised: November 29, 2021 | Accepted: December 20, 2022 | Published Online: December 26, 2022
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With a great response from Indian urban consumers, home services start- up, Urban Clap looked forward to venture into the global markets. The think tanks thought of rebranding the company from Urban Clap to Urban Company. The company was successful in luring investors and raising capital. It rigorously focused on employee training and improving customer experience which resulted in great success for a 6-year-old start – up. Urban Company co-founder Abhiraj Bhal said at the announcement that the intention behind the rebranding was to have a globally acceptable company name (Sheth, 2020). For increasing the scale of operations, the company tied up with NSDC to source, train and employ at least a million individuals from tier 2 and 3 cities. It is a historical fact that many times rebranding may fail. When we compare the entry of foreign brands into India, we see that the majority have used their original name and value proposition which is carried by the parent brand. Only time can tell that the decision will go right or wrong for “Urban Company”.
Urban Company; Urban Clap; Branding; International Marketing; Rebranding