Journal Press India®

Vol 23 , Issue 2 , July - December 2022 | Pages: 9-15 | Research Paper

How Far Modern Vertical Farming is Appropriate for Developing Countries Like Oman?: A Review Based Analysis

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Shad Ahmad Khan, Assistant Professor, College of Business, University of Buraimi, Al-Buraimi, Al-Buraimi, Oman (
2. Ferdinand Epoc, Assistant Professor, College of Business, University of Buraimi, Al-Buraimi, Al-Buraimi, Oman (
3. Ibrahim Rashid Al Shamsi, Associate Professor and Dean, College of Business, University of Buraimi, Al-Buraimi, Al-Buraimi, Oman (,)
4. Ameena Shamim, Research Assistant, College of Business, University of Buraimi, Al-Buraimi, Al-Buraimi, Oman (

Purpose: Vertical Farming (VF) is a technique of growing food in vertically stacked layers or vertically inclined surfaces. Theoretically, it has the capability of growing any crops, fruits, or vegetables. The modern techniques of vertical farming through a controlled environment can support the growth and harvest of a crop irrespective of the season and climatic conditions. The newer modern techniques of VF have further reduced the dependency on sunlight, soil, and water. This paper analyses the appropriateness of vertical farming for developing countries like Oman. Design/Methodology/Approach: This paper is based on secondary data and establishes the arguments in favor and against vertical farming. Findings: The findings support the need for vertical farming and suggest that it is very appropriate for the urban setups, where it reduces the transportation cost and facilitates the availability of fresh and pesticide-less food products. Research Limitations: The major limitation of this paper is that it only accounts the secondary information, the empirical investigation is missing. Managerial Implications: This paper implies government policies, allied agencies, and the agricultural sector. Originality/Value: This paper is an original paper based on secondary data, providing a conceptual model for Oman, on which very limited studies in the given context is available.


Vertical Farming; Agricultural Practice; Season and Climatic Conditions

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