Journal Press India®

Vol 23 , Issue 2 , July - December 2022 | Pages: 1-8 | Research Paper

Post-Traditional Higher Education of 21st Century: Strengthening Employment and Sustainable Development

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Janardan Paudel, Principal, Rosemary Idol Boarding School, Tarakeshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal (

Purpose: The goal of this study is to compare and contrast traditional higher education with contemporary 21st-century schooling. The significance of higher education for the current population and the state is also explored in this research study. This study also intends to demonstrate the link between employment and sustainable development and excellence, affordability, and accessibility in higher education. Design/Methodology/Approach: The design of this study is narrative inquiry, and it is conducted utilizing qualitative methods. The information is gathered through online interviews, document analysis from study books and journal papers, and email correspondence with some professors. This study looks at research on globalization, higher education, 21st-century higher education, the needs of modern learners, UNESCO and OECD papers, as well as Nepalese and Indian education policies. Findings: According to the study’s conclusions, higher education in the twenty-first century seeks out various theoretical and practical approaches. Higher education must be skill- and job-oriented in this age of globalization for the students’ long-term development and the stability of the state. All things considered, higher education in the twenty-first century has to emphasize creativity, innovation, and excellence. The three main pillars of higher education are excellence, affordability, and accessibility. Research Limitation: This study does not relate to quantitative technique and it does not show any numerical data. Most importantly, this research study is under the boundary of qualitative methods. The population is of some professors. Further inquiry is made through national and international research documents. Managerial Implications: The practical implications of this study are that it shows how 21st-century higher education needs to be developed and what the learners need at present. Originality/Value: This study maintains its originality which makes it a valuable study. It has not been published in any journals or book chapters.


Traditional Higher Education; 21st Century Higher Education; Employment; Sustainable Development.

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