Journal Press India®

Milkbasket: Changing the face of grocery shopping

Vol 23 , Issue 1 , January - June 2022 | Pages: 87-98 | Case Study

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Rina Pandey, Assistant Professor, Amity Global Business School,Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India (

The case charts the genesis and growth of Milkbasket, a daily micro-delivery service, offering grocery and household needs for customers, launched in early 2015. The concept of Milkbasket was built on the unique Indian habit of getting fresh milk delivered at home every morning. Today, Milkbasket caters to the grocery needs of over 150,000 households daily in Gurgaon, Noida, Delhi, and Bangalore and delivers around 75,000 orders every day before 7 AM. To enable frequent and friction- less buying, the company innovated flexi ordering and contactless delivery - both a first in the ecommerce industry. Currently, the company offers delivery of over 9,000 products ranging from entire household grocery, dairy, fruits and vegetable categories. The reason for this phenomenal growth can be attributed to an intelligent mix of quality product offering and efficient distribution. Recently, the company has been in acquisition talks with Amazon India. We need to wait and watch what the future holds for Milkbasket. relationships between India and China in last twenty-five years.


Milkbasket; Grocery Shopping;Online Shopping; E-Commerce

  1. Mundra Shivani, “Online Grocery Market: Overview and Future in India”,

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