Journal Press India®

Vol 23 , Issue 1 , January - June 2022 | Pages: 43-56 | Research Paper

Impact of Role Models on Self Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intention on Aviation Management Students

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Krishna Murari, Research Scholar, Jain Deemed-to-be University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India (
2. Suman Pathak, Professor and Controller of Examination, Mats Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship, Jain Group of Institution, Bangalore, Karnataka, India (

Purpose: The aim of this paper is to measure the impact of role models developed through interaction between entrepreneurs and students on self-efficacy and the entrepreneurial intention on Aviation Management Students

Design/methodology/approach: Experimental research is conducted by the researchers on 80 students of a management institute offering a unique program of Aviation Management. Role model identification, attitude toward the role model, entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention were measured through structural equation modelling techniques.

Findings: Exposure to real role models from Aviation Industry who are the first-generation successful entrepreneurs through face-to-face interaction created a positive impact on self-efficacy and behavioural intentions when the students identify themselves with the role models. Successful role models reinforce role model identification, favourable attitudes for entrepreneurship and in turn, augment self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention.

Practical implications: The study brought out that related role models enhance the self-efficacy and entrepreneurial motivation. Hence, this should be part of the curriculum for entrepreneurial education as it would result in intension and finally behaviour to be an entrepreneur. Also, the role model get influence with the students and they become mentors as mentioned by the role models during a discussion with the students.

Originality/value: Unknown real-life role models in related fields serve as role models by interaction and enhance the impact on the entrepreneurship studies and new entrepreneurs can be developed by arranging interaction between entrepreneurs from a related field.


Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Education; Role Models on Self Efficacy; Entrepreneurial Intension

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