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Keep Sharp: Build a Better Brain at any age

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Sugandh Rawal, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Professional Studies & Research (DSPSR), New Delhi, Delhi, India (
2. Sumedha Trivedi, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Professional Studies & Research (DSPSR), New Delhi, Delhi, India (

Keep Sharp” aims to dispel prevalent misconceptions regarding cognitive deterioration. In addition, the author tried to provide pillars on which you can build your life to safeguard yourself as you age. Society has come to assume that we are born with a set number of neurons and that our brains will only deteriorate as we get older. Sanjay Gupta, a neurosurgeon, feels the research proves otherwise. According to new research, evidence-based approaches can help us establish new brain cells and connections.




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