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New Education Policy-2020 of India is in line with Goal 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 2030)

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Nagalaxmi M. Raman, Professor, Director & Head, Amity Institute of International Studies, Amity University, Noida, India (
2. Satyajeet Ghoshal, Research Scholar, Amity Institute of International Studies, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India (

Purpose: The present study is an attempt to analyse the New Education Policy (NEP), designed to replace the previous National Policy on Education, 1986. In both rural and urban India, the NEP could prove to be a comprehensive framework for primary/ secondary education, and additionally to vocational education.  
Design/Methodology/Approach: The current study is based on the qualitative analysis of various secondary data available.  
Findings: This study analysed and established the efficacy of the multiple exit points which now have been provided under NEP-2020, which benefit the students, by better signaling their education status and establishing their subsequent employment readiness, thereby helping India reap its demographic dividend and better utilize the yet untapped power of youth.
Research limitations/implications: The principal constraint being, it attempts to analyse the implications of a newly formulated policy, which has potential, as envisioned by the policymakers, yet is dependent on various intangibles which cannot be factored in while crystal gazing into the future, especially when looking at something which will likely to bear fruit by 2030 earliest.
Practical Implications: The current study would provide impetus to the policymakers, professionals to effectively implement the NEP in line with SDGs.
Originality/Value: With the multidisciplinary approach to education, the study highlights the importance of a new system that the NEP2020 is trying to implement – by seeking to establish an “Academic Bank of Credit (ABC)”, which will digitally store academic credits earned from various recognized Higher Education Institutes (HEI)s.


NEP-2020; Multidisciplinary; Multilingualism; SDG-4; Higher education institution; Academic bank credit; Vocational skill sets.

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