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Knowledge Management Practices Amongst the Education Colleges in Bhutan and its Relation with Organizational Performance

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Tshering Lhamo, Lecturer, Gedu College of Business Studies, Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan (

Purpose – This study investigated the knowledge management practices adopted by the Education colleges in Bhutan and assessed their relation with the organizational performance.  
Design/methodology/approach – Hypothesis testing research design adopted for this study. Data was collected from 189 respondents from all the nine RUB colleges using a well-designed questionnaire. 
Findings – Analysis of the data indicates that the RUB colleges are mostly practicing explicit methods of knowledge management. Further, there is more prevalence of knowledge storage, knowledge transfer, and a better attitude towards knowledge management amongst the RUB Colleges’ staff. However, motivation and opportunities to share do not exist significantly.  The study indicates that explicit-oriented knowledge management and knowledge transfer are significantly related to organizational performance. 
Research limitations/implications – The study could gather only 189 responses and studies the relation between two variables only – Knowledge management and organizational performance. 
Practical implications – There is a need to have proper policies and systems of knowledge management in the Bhutanese Education colleges to have advancement in knowledge management that will position the tertiary education institutes in the lead towards national socio-economic development. But this requires having all the stakeholders on board along with government support in terms of finance as well as trust and confidence.
Originality/value – This study is unique as it focuses on educational institutions of Bhutan which are meant for knowledge sharing. This will pave the way for better management of knowledge amongst the education colleges.


Explicit-oriented degree; Tacit-oriented; Knowledge storage; Knowledge transfer; Staff attitude; Motivation to share; Opportunities to share; Organizational performance

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