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Teacher Education in Nepal: Problems and Prospects with Brief Historical development

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Janardan Paudel, Principal, Rosemary Idol Boarding School, Tarakeshwor-07, Kathmandu, Nepal (

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to show the importance of teacher education. Today, globalization has affected every sector of education. Because of globalization, there is the internationalization of education and similarly, teacher education has also got importance to have been as internationalized. Similarly, to meet the global needs of individuals, societies, and the nation itself, education is in the front place which needs to be driven by teachers. This combination reveals that teachers need to be updated in day-to-day global changes for 21st-century education. So, teacher education is of great importance. This paper concerns prospects and challenges for 21st-century teacher education as the internationalization of education is of great concern today.
Methodology/ Design/ Approach: This paper presents a conceptual study related to document analysis on teacher education from lower level to higher education. This is a qualitative study. 
Findings: The findings of this study show that there is great importance of teacher education to prepare teachers for the 21st century in the context of globalization because of the internationalization of education. 
Research Limitations: The author has used concepts and analysed documents but further empirical researches are in needs to be done in the future on a large scale. 
Practical Implications: This research study is based on secondary sources and it has disclosed further researches on primary sources regarding the value of teacher education for the 21st century.
Originality/ Value: This paper has considerably maintained the originality of the authors’ viewpoints.


Globalization and education; 21st century education; Teacher education; Internationalization of teacher education.

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