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The Christmas Period Around the World – An Excellent Moment for Dayketing Strategies

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Violena Hubenova Nencheva, Teaching Professor, Autonomous University of Querétaro, Mexico (

Purpose: This article aims to study in detail, to show examples and analyses about successful marketing strategies of different international companies throughout the years for Christmas time.
Design/methodology/approach: The notion of dayketing is new – it has been created 10 years ago by the Spanish professor Sarrias Martí. However, the idea about the creation of special marketing practices for the Christmas holidays in order to attract the client´s attention dates from the beginning of the 20th century. A few of the best of them are made by: Coca-Cola, Lancôme, and other international companies, and this article show and analyses them. To study in detail, the activities of these companies, the author uses three methodological approaches: SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, and balanced scorecards.
Findings: The idea of the author is to show the importance of the Christmas holidays as an inspiration for the development of one of the most successful marketing practices and ideas related to a particular marketing strategy – dayketing: marketing of a company or product for a special occasion.
Research limitations/implications: The study has its limitations. The selected companies show examples from all over the world but the only marketing approach intended to be analyzed is the marketing approach for special occasions, the so-called dayketing. Another limitation is the period chosen to be studied, only marketing practices for the Christmas period have been chosen to be analyzed.
Practical implications: The study shows, practically, one of the best examples of Christmas marketing campaigns from all over the world. Created in different countries, different years, and different sectors, they show that people all over the world can choose the same products and that is what determines their success, what makes them leaders among the companies. 


Christmas; Companies; Dayketing; Marketing; Strategies

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