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Higher Level Dual Education at John Von Neumann University: Model Studies for the Corporate Sector at Central Automotive Region of Hungary

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. Eszter Kó1kai, Professor, John von Neumann University, Hungary (
2. * Mahesh Kumar Singh, Professor, John von Neumann University, Hungary (
3. Weltsch Zoltán, Vice Rector, John von Neumann University, Hungary (
4. Helga Sárközy, Member, Board of Directors for Women Business Leaders, Hungary (
5. Ajay Kumar Singh, Vice Chancellor, Sri Sri University, Cuttak, Orissa, India (

Purpose: To make an attempt to explain the model of Higher-Level Dual Education at John Von Neumann University.
Design/methodology/approach: The present study offers a descriptive research design by highlighting a Dual Studies program John Von Neumann University Model 
Findings: In this model studies, our most important long-term goal is to become an attractive intellectual center, to provide marketable qualifications, above all for those living in the region, and to equip our students with knowledge and skills that help them in career-planning and entering in the labor market
Research Limitations/Implications: The current study is not based on empirical testing
Originality/Value: This research is supported by EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00006. The development and enhancement of the research potential at John von Neumann University" project. The Project is supported by the Hungarian Government and co-financed by the European Social Fund.


Dual education; Automotive sector; Workforce; Labour market; Strategic partnership

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