Journal Press India®

Vol 22 , Issue 1 , January - June 2021 | Pages: 62-69 | Research Paper

Automation Invading Human Resources: Digital Transformation and Impact of Automation in the Space of HR

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Yamini Meduri, Assistant Professor, Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management, Hyderabad, India (
2. Pavithra Yadav, Additional Principal, Slate-The School, Hyderabad, India (,)

Purpose: Innovation, Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are the new buzz words disrupting organizational processes by making their way into almost every function of the organization and HR is no exception. Automation has entered HR with a drift and aims at bringing a new look to human resources function, which is promising to help reduce time in people related processes and thus, increasing the efficiency & productivity. This paper aims at answering the fundamental question that is bothering HR: Does automation really take away our jobs? Is this the end of human connecting with HR?

Design/Methodology/Approach: the current study involved qualitative conversational methodology derived from the interviewing techniques using a social media platform like LinkedIn. The sample group is the HR professionals from the industry and the data collected with be put through qualitative analysis to derive information from the data.

Findings: The study highlighted that the HR professionals acknowledge the need and usability of technological advancements in the HR domain to not only ease the processes but also to increase the efficiency of the function. The study enlisted the opportunities and challenges of using automation in HR processes and a way forward for organizations to capitalize on the technology.

Research Limitations: The study was more qualitative in nature which can be supported by quantitative findings using case study approach in the future.

Managerial Implications: HR automation is going to be come the new normal for many organizations and it is important that the HR personnel are competent to capitalize on the opportunities and address the challenges.

Originality/Value: Research in the area of automation focused more on the organizational automation as a whole, but very less on HR in specific. The current study attempts to develop the need and benefit of automation from the HR standpoint.


Automation, HR Technology, Workplace, Culture, Human connect, HRM

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