Journal Press India®

Vol 21 , Issue 2 , July - December 2020 | Pages: 59-72 | Research Paper

Lukzepas a Tribal Societies of Arunachal Pradesh, North-East India

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Pema Thungon, Research Secholar (Ph.D), Department of Geography, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India (

Purpose: This study aims to determine the feasibility of using ethnography to understand the current status of Lukzepas, a tribal society of Arunachal Pradesh, North-East India.

Design/Methodology/Approach: We conducted ethnography in the sub-alpine zone of West Kameng, which broadly includes the area between 2700 m and 2750 m elevation. The data were collected from 2016 to 2017 with field surveys during winter and village consolation in summer.

Findings: The economy of Lukzepa is changing from pastoralism to other primary activities like cultivation of dry rice and vegetables, fire wood supply, lodging, due to less beneficial from their livestock, they have adopted other economic activity.

Research Limitation/Implications: Observations may have introduced a Hawthorne effect, which we mitigated by triangulating data from different sources to confirm our findings.

Originality/Value: This paper is an original paper based on the primary data.


Ethnography, Lukzepas, North-East India, Tribal Society.

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