Published Online: December 12, 2020
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Purpose: The approach to teaching varies by location but are united by instructions. This research paper looked at the classroom instructional and assessment strategies in two higher learning institution: one in Malaysia and the other in China.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Using an interview and observation approach, this paper had managed to understand the dynamics of teaching when it comes to the usage of technology. Teaching tools are in abundance yet sometimes confusing. The approach towards 21st century classroom is where the facilitator’s instructional and assessment strategies are skewed towards developing the 4C’s.
Findings: In this paper it showed the manner and approach of how Business English were taught by two teachers in two different higher learning institutions and how they adopted and adapted the use of technology as part of their classroom delivery and strategies. The outcome of the comparison study was indeed phenomenal to witness.
Research Limitations: The research was only carried out and assessed for one semester according to the academic calendar of the universities. Replicating the research approach for subsequent semesters would result to better conclusion.
Managerial Implications: Class must be balanced with teacher-centered and student-centered. Learning must happen before, during and after class with the technology as a tool. Cohesiveness of strategies and understanding the culture is important. As teachers are geared toward a 21st century classroom and trying different strategies to develop the 4C’s, student’s readiness and course outcome plays a role in determining the teaching and assessment strategies.
Originality/Value: The research presented and highlighted the use of the 4C’s in 21st century classroom teaching.
Classroom, Malaysia, China, Instructional Assessments, Teaching Strategies.