Journal Press India®

Vol 21 , Issue 1 , January - June 2020 | Pages: 99-114 | Research Paper

Employee-centric Organizations: A Conceptual Framework with Drivers and Consequences

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Sahil Ramchandani, Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Delhi, India (
2. Ajay Kumar Singh, Vice-Chancellor, Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha, India (

Purpose: The paper seeks to explore the concept of Employee-Centric Organizations (ECO), to identify its drivers and study its impact on employees, customers and the organisation.

Research Design/Methodology: This a study based on review of literature, taken from varied journals and online sources.

Findings: The study identifies the three major drivers of ECO, i.e. Employee Engagement, Employee Empowerment and Employee Enablement, along with identifying the drivers of these three constructs. It also suggests a positive link between ECO and employee-related outcomes and seeks to study its larger impact on customer-related as well as organisation- related outcomes.

Research Limitations: The paper provides a conceptual model for employee-centric organizations. However, it needs to be empirically validated.

Managerial Implications: It highlights that employee engagement, or empowerment, or enablement in itself may not be sufficient for organizational success. Rather, managers shall focus on creating employee-centric organizations, in order to take benefits from the synergy produced by the combination of these three constructs.

Originality: The paper provides insights into the concept of Employee-Centric Organisations and suggests a conceptual framework for ECO, along with its drivers and consequences.


Employee-Centric Organisations (ECO), Employee Engagement, Employee Empowerment, Employee Enablement.

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