Published Online: January 06, 2020
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( * ) denotes Corresponding author
Purpose: The objective of the present research is to unveil the perception degree of banking products among citizens of Bhutan. It intends to derive the current scenario of possessing knowledge of various banking products among Bhutanese population vis-à-vis disseminating the research outcome to different stakeholders concerned.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The research is exclusively grounded on primary data gathered with the help of a structured questionnaire. However, a few secondary sources were also consulted to find out the direction of the study. Scheduling method was used to collect all primary data, considering the fact of lower education level of most of the respondents (below class X) and technical language of the questionnaire. Sample data were collected from 371 respondents from four different Gewogs (blocks) that is Chapcha, Bongo, Darla, and Samphelling of Chukha Dzongkhag (district). The data were analysed based on gender and education level of the respondents towards perception of banking products. Student’s t-test and ANOVA were used to analyse the research data.
Findings: The inferences drawn from the study reveal the current scenario of perception level of banking services among sample respondents. The results depict satisfactory level of financial literacy and awareness of banking products among majority of the sample respondents. However, their understanding level about the same was found quite low.
Research Limitations: The study drew conclusion based on four Gewogs of Chukha district. Hence, the findings of this study may not be generalised for the entire nation. Most of the respondents in this study were either from no formal education or from low education level. Therefore, there may be variations in their responses.
Practical Implications: As the primary aim of this research is to find out the perception of banking services/products among Bhutanese, the inferences drawn from here are expected to benefit bankers, respective heads of the blocks, government, and policy makers. Besides, the research findings may be important for practice, theory, and subsequent research including that of colleges and universities.
Originality/Value: This research is grounded on the data collected from primary sources. The findings have been supported by various secondary sources available, especially in the Bhutanese context.
Perception, Financial products, Financial institutions, Bhutan.