Journal Press India®

Vol 20 , Issue 2 , July - December 2019 | Pages: 49-55 | Research Paper

A Study of Relationship Between Demographic Variables and Usage of E-wallets

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Manya Jain, Assistant Professor, Delhi School Professional Studies and Research , GGSIPU, Delhi, India (
2. Puneet Sabharwal, Student, Delhi School Professional Studies and Research, GGSIPU, Delhi, India

Purpose: In the era of digitalization, E-Wallets is a growing concept. Especially, after demonetization in India, the demand for the different kinds of E-Wallets has seen a surge. The government’s idea to make India cashless is also a prominent factor for the increase of E-wallets in India. Some of the most important E-wallets are Paytm, Google pay, Tez, Mobikwik, Freecharge, etc. The present study focuses on different parameters for the use of E-Wallets, identifies the current status and future challenges for E-Wallets in India.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The study has used a descriptive methodology and data have been collected by using a structured questionnaire from 153 respondents. Chi Square test has been used to find out the association between features of the respondents and its impact on the usage of E-wallets.

Findings: It was found out that age had a considerable impact in adoption of E-Wallets. Younger generation is a more avid user of E-Wallets.

Research Limitations: Not much people were very open in sharing their medium of payments and were hesitant.

Practical Implications: The major issue in India at this point is the trust of people on E-Wallets due to increased cyber crimes in the recent past. This research study also highlights fact that the younger generation is more flexible in changing the traditional payment method to Electronic payments, but this is not the case with a bit older generation.

Originality/Value: This research study is an original analysis of what people think about E-wallets and why people who are not using E-Wallets don’t want to use it in the future as well.


E-wallets, Demonetisation, PayTm, Mobikwik, Freecharge, Tez

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