Published Online: December 09, 2019
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Purpose: The present study is an attempt to study the female entrepreneurs’ attitude towards entrepreneurship and measure the impact of entrepreneurial orientation and desirability on the intention of entrepreneurial students.
Design/Methodology/Approach: To test the research framework and hypotheses, female university students in Oman who have undergone with entrepreneurship subject in their syllabus have been considered as the respondents of the study. Data have been collected through structured questionnaire based on five points Likert scale ranging from 1 as (strongly disagree) to 5 as (strongly agree). To ensure the selection of appropriate participants and their intention level, data were collected in Oman and participants were recruited online via Google Docs as per the convenience sampling method to collect primary data. Survey through Google Docs was conducted in period of April 2019 to May 2019, through which 300 questionnaires were sent and 269 sets were returned, out of which 225 responses were found as useful for data analysis.
Findings: Entrepreneurship education plays a significant role for the female students having an inclination to entrepreneurship as their career goal. The study also found that personal attitude and innovativeness come from the entrepreneurial education. Unfortunately, the study found no influence of risk-taking propensity towards intention. This shows that the entrepreneurs are not willing to take risk or are unable to face the loss or worst circumstances if any, from the entrepreneurship ventures they perform.
Research Limitations: The study has several limitations. For instance, it engaged theory of planned behavior to develop the entrepreneurship model. Future there is a need to expand the model by integrating it with other entrepreneurship models. Furthermore, the sample was selected from private universities and colleges in Oman.
Managerial Implications: Practically, it shed light on the willingness of the students and their intention to be an entrepreneur. The study, thus, suggests polishing the students’ entrepreneurship skills, knowledge and competencies to increase their entrepreneurship intention.
Originality/Value: The study highlighted the importance of Theory of Planned Behavior supported by the entrepreneurship orientation model at an individual level.
Entrepreneurship Education; Entrepreneurship Desirability; Entrepreneurship Orientation, Entrepreneurship Intention, Oman.