Journal Press India®

Vol 20 , Issue 2 , July - December 2019 | Pages: 1-9 | Research Paper

Resistance Behavior of Cantrang Prohibition Analysis in Central Java-Indonesia

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Purwoko Tony, Lecturer, Master of Management Program, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta, ( )
2. Wijaya Zunan, Associate Professor, Management Department, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta,
3. Setiawan Lecturer, Master of Management Program, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta,

Purpose: The study aims to analyze several factors that influence the resistance behavior of cantrang bans in Central Java, Indonesia. The basic model is used to analyze using Theory of Planned Behavior (Ajzen, 1985) by taking four variables or factors that influence the attitude of rejecting the prohibition, namely natural awareness, knowledge, emotions, and income. The attitude of rejecting to influence intention, and intention influences resistance behavior. Resistance behavior is also influenced by behavioral control or perceived risk.

Design/Methodology/Approach: This research adheres to the positivism paradigm. The population in this study were all fishermen in Pati District, Central Java who had used cantrang. Sample size of the study is 200 fishermen, which fulfilled the statistical testing requirements in the structural equation model. Purposive sampling method was used to collect information from the respondents about cantrang prohibition behavior. Data collection techniques are surveys using a structured questionnaire. Data analysis has been done using Structural Equation Modeling.

Finding: The results indicate that knowledge has negatively affected the attitudes of rejecting, emotions have a significant positive impact on rejecting attitudes, concern for nature has also a negative impact on attitude to reject, income has a significant positive effect on behavior rejecting, rejecting attitude has a significant positive effect on intention in rejecting, behavioral control has a positive impact on rejecting behavior, and intention in rejecting has a positive impact on the behavior of rejecting cantrang prohibitions.

Research Limitations: This study was limited to one district i.e. Pati, Central Java-Indonesia.

Practical Implications: This research will also contribute to government policies in planting values of marine ecosystem care.

Originality/Value: There has not been a similar study conducted in the study area.


Awareness, Knowledge, Emotions and Income, Behavioral Control, Intention, Behavior, Cantrang.

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