Journal Press India®

Vol 20 , Issue 1 , January - June 2019 | Pages: 79-103 | Research Paper

An Assessment of the Impact of Internal Communication on Employee Job Satisfaction: A Case of Selected Service Rendering Organizations Located in Dar Es Salaam

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Gilliard Loth, Senior Lecturer, Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCo), Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of (
2. Neema Mushi, Managing Director, Kimangele Entreprises, Dar es Salaam.,

Purpose: Internal communication is a communication discipline concerned with employee’s engagement at work place and enabling to deliver company objectives. Due to constant developments in business environment and high labour turnover, satisfying employees is becoming a challenge to most managers. Inspired by the need to improve internal communication as a means of ensuring job satisfaction in service organisations, the study sought to assess the relationship between internal communication and employee job satisfaction in service rendering organizations.Specifically, the paper has two objectives: firstly, to examine the relationship between effective internal communication and employee job satisfactionin service industry; and secondly, to explore other factors that affect employee job satisfaction in service rendering organizations. The scope of the study includes Corporate and Rural Development (CRDB) bank, National Microfinance Bank (NMB) bank, and VODACOM limited Tanzania.

Design/Methodology/Approach: A case of selected service rendering organizations located in Dar Es Salaamwas used whereby data collection involved primary data and secondary data. In addition, Pearson‘s product moment coefficient of correlation (R), was used to measure the nature and magnitude of relationship between the variables. Simple, Multivariate, and hierarchical stepwise regression analysis will be used to test the research questions at 95 percent level of confidence. Simple regression analysis was used to address the first objective of examining the relationship between effective internal communication and job satisfaction.

Findings: The study managed to get a response rate of 74%. The key results indicate a strong link between internal communication and job satisfaction; internal communication is the highest influencer of job satisfaction in service rendering organization; followed by salary, working condition, and recognition. Ideally, a unit increase in internal communication increases job satisfaction by 0.55 units ceteris paribus. This is after accounting for heteroscedasticity and multicollinearity.

Research Limitations/Implications: This case study was limited to three organizations i.e. CRDB bank, NMB bank, and VODACOM limited located at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. However, given the methodology used, the findings shed light on relationship between internal communication and employee job satisfaction in service rendering organizations.

Practical Implications: The study implies that organizations and respective stakeholders such asmanagers should concentrate on setting proper communication channels and the enhancement of two-way communication systems through regular meetings. Professionalism mainly through email communication is vital for service rendering organisations.

Originality/Value: The researchers developed the title, objectives, and research questionson their own.They also collected and analysed data and the results of the research are as reported.


Internal Communication, Employee Job Satisfaction.

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