Journal Press India®

Vol 20 , Issue 1 , January - June 2019 | Pages: 44-53 | Research Paper

Green Public Procurement Through Lens of Practicality and Policies a Study on Royal University of Bhutan

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Shad Ahmad Khan, Senior Lecturer, Gedu College of Business Studies, Royal University of Bhutan, Bhutan, India (

Purpose: The first purpose of this study is to understand the procurement policy in terms of green procurements for the constituent colleges of Royal University of Bhutan (RUB) a public funded university of royal government of Bhutan. Second purpose of the study is to identify the level of awareness and orientation of relevant committee/procurement committee of the colleges towards Green Public Procurement (GPP).

Design/Methodology/Approach: Qualitative research based on focused group interview conducted on procurement committee of 5 colleges of Bhutan.

Findings: The people involved in the procurement in RUB colleges were found to know the term green public procurement, but had limited information on the concept and the terminology. There is willingness to accept GPP as a procurement policy but the existing financial policy is a major hurdle. Further, the people need to be trained so as to differentiate between green and non-green products.

Research Limitations/Implications: This research is limited to constituent colleges of Royal University of Bhutan and does not cover the public policy for the country as a whole.

Practical Implications: This study has implication on the RUB policy for procurement and suggests harnessing the threshold limits available to the committee to utilize for GPP.

Originality/Value: The primary data has been collected from the primary source through focused group interview.


Green Public Procurement, Royal University of Bhutan, Tendering, Awareness and orientation

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