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Purpose: Environmental degradation has emerged as the most serious threat to humanity in the recent decades. The primary purpose of this paper is to highlight the serious environmental consequences of a consumption driven society. Particularly, since 1950s with the combination of capitalism, consumerism and contamination a serious conflict has arisen between man and nature. Extraction of minerals at an unprecedented rate, increasing degradation of soil, manifold increase in water usage, massive contamination of water bodies including the oceans, growing air pollution, mounting non-biodegradable waste, large-scale denudation of forests and loss of biodiversity are posing new threats to the very existence of humanity. In this context, the paper examines the environmental and social implications of growing consumption and contamination based on literature review and the findings of various United Nations institutions and then looks at the relevance of wisdom of our ancestors.
Methodology: The methodology of this paper is to simplify the issues so that they can be grasped by ordinary citizens. The complex terminology, highly complex systems, charts and equations produced in innumerable papers and documents have made the issue incomprehensible for an ordinary citizen and has produced no positive outcome till date. Degradation of environment continues unabated and at an enhanced rate as confirmed in the latest IPCC synthesis report. Simple truths of life are often forgotten in the glitterati of grandeur.
Design: The current study is descriptive in nature and presents qualitative analysis of the wisdom of our ancestors for restoration of harmony between man and nature so that the survival of our progeny is not engendered.
Findings: Findings of the paper are therefore simple – nature nurtures and sustains all life. Therefore, in pursuit of greed for more and more consumption we are destroying the very source of our existence. Global mad race for higher and higher GDP is destructive. Austerity and moderation in consumption with simple life-style could destress life and produce greater harmony with nature. The modern idea of controlling and exploiting nature to fulfill infinite human desires is rooted in our ignorance and could destabilize and destroy the very source of our existence.
Implications: The problem of sustainable development cannot be tackled simply by controlling the greenhouse gases or CO2 emis-sions. Therefore, we need to ponder whether the current levels of production, consumption and contamination are sustainable.
Originality Value: The present study is the original viewpoints ofthe author.
Industrial Revolution, Harmony with Nature, Consumerism, Contamination, Sustainability, Ancient Wisdom, Greed and Desires, Moderation, Simple Living.