Journal Press India®

Vol 20 , Issue 1 , January - June 2019 | Pages: 1-21 | Research Paper

Modelling the Effective E-hrm Enablers Using Ism and Micmac Approach

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. Anu Singh Lather, Vice Chancellor, Ambedkar University, Delhi, India
2. * Simran Kaur, Research Scholar, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, India (

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to review and reconcile the enablers affecting effective implementation of EHRM. Further, this paper also aims at formulating a comprehensive model describing the interplay of enablers of effective EHRM (EHRMEs), with the help of ISM methodology

Methodology: Experts from industries and academics were referred in order to design ISM, which explains the contextual relationship among various enablers of effective E-HRM. The result of ISM was futher used for MICMAC analysis in order to determine driving, linkage, dependent variables.

Findings: This paper has identified 18 key enablers of E-HRM (EHRMEs) which facilitate the efficacy of E-HRM practices in an organisation. The authors have additionally established relationships between all identified EHRMEs utilizing Interpretive Structural Modelling methodology. This is an attempt to examine the E-HRM enablers by utilizing MICMAC analysis.

Research Limitations: The weightage allotted in ISM Methodology is solely dependent on the judgment of the academicians and industry experts. Thus empirical research is to be conducted to verify the proposed relationship. Practical Implications: This study would help the academicians and the managers to have the broader picture of various enablers of EHRM.

Originality/Value: The results would help the HR managers to effectively managevarious enablers of EHRMs, especially during the implementation of digital HR practices in the organisation.


ISM, Digital HR Practices, MICMAC, Enablers of E-HRM

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