Journal Press India®

Vol 19 , Issue 2 , July - December 2018 | Pages: 51-65 | Research Paper

An Exploratory Factor Analysis for Developing a Scale of Ethics: A Knowledge Management Perspective

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Nishant Gaur, Research Scholar, Delhi School of Management, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India (
2. Vikas Gupta, Assistant Professor, Delhi School of Management, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India

Purpose: Ethics has been broadly analyzed and explored from work-place perspective. However, research on ethics from knowledge management (KM) perspective is weak; very few empirical studies have been done in this regard. The paper aims to create scale for ethics to fill the gap. The scale which has been developed by the author(s) is aimed to be used for testing the relationship between ethics and KM in future.

Design/Methodology/Approach: In this study, the existing literature was examined and it was then administered and investigated to 278 employees in different organizations. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was employed to determine the scale and further reliability of factors.

Findings: Five factors of ethics have been identified. These factors are: F1: Organizational Values and Ethical Climate; F2: Commitment, Responsibility, and Team Working Morale; F3: Intellectual Capital and Trusteeship; F4: Ethical Issues, and F5: Obstacles to Ethical Behavior.

Research Limitations/Implications: The scale is perceptual to assess and evaluate ethical dimensions, which may or may not be authentic indicator of ethical dimensions existing in the organization.

Practical Implications: The scale can be used as an instrument for investigating the effectiveness in KM process, KM ownership, and KM practices.

Originality/Value: The scale is a valid and reliable measure of ethical constructs. It is a credible tool to investigate ethical behavior and framework that the employees feel, think, and believe exists within their organization.


Knowledge Management (KM), Ethics.

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