Journal Press India®

Vol 19 , Issue 2 , July - December 2018 | Pages: 23-29 | Research Paper

Transformative Education and Changes in Socio-cultural Beliefs of Local Cosmologies

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Janardan Paudel, Ph.D. Research Scholar, Tribhuvan University, Nepal (

Purpose: This paper aims to show the understanding of people about the world and universe according to their beliefs. The main purpose of this paper is to find changes in the beliefs of people about their universe in the course of evolution of science and technology through transformative education.

Methodology: The methodology used in this study is informal talks with people, interview, and document analysis. The views of both educated and uneducated people have been taken about traditional beliefs and findings of science and technology. As sampling, five educated people and five uneducated people were selected to collect data for this study.

Findings: People’s beliefs are shaped by religions and myths of the ancient world. Ancient religions and myths have explained our universe either by their innate capacity or imagination but they are deeply rooted in the heart of people and find it difficult to change. Different religious groups have explained this universe differently which has kept their identity. Different kinds of religious and mythical documents have explained the origin, the history, and the evolution of the cosmos or universe based on the religious mythology of a specific tradition. Religious cosmologies usually include an act or process of creation by a creator deity. But due to the evolution of people’s social and cultural behavior, there are changes in the beliefs about the universe. Discoveries and inventions of science and technology have also brought changes in the ideology of the present human beings. This has been the root cause of transformative education.

Research Limitations: This is a qualitative study and is limited to informal talks to people, interview, and document analysis. Accuracy about people’s beliefs has been maintained.

Practical Implications: This research paper analyses that transformative education has promoted people’s wisdom and knowledge by bringing together both the eastern and western traditions for the purpose of personal transformation and well – being of people around the world. The readers will be aware of the truth of traditional beliefs as well as of science and technology.

Originality and Value: Cosmology is very important aspect of education which has made human beings in the ideological field of today. Due to the theories related to cosmos, human beings have shaped their ideology that we find at present. Human beings are indispensable parts of local cosmologies. This paper explains different ideologies related to people’s beliefs about the universe and changes experienced in personal transformation and well – being of people in society and transformation in culture. It is an original research study and has got great value in shaping people’s beliefs for future ideology.


Socio-cultural Beliefs, Local Cosmologies, Value of beliefs, Globalized Higher Education, Transformative Education

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