Journal Press India®

Vol 19 , Issue 2 , July - December 2018 | Pages: 1-14 | Research Paper

Sustainable Natural Resource Utilisation in our Future

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Robert Magda, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Gödöllo, (
2. Dhanashree Katekhaye, Ph.D. Student, Szent István University, Gödöllo.,
3. Norbert Bozsik, Professor, Eszterházy Karoly University,

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop and generalize technologies with low carbon intensity throughout their total life cycle, in order to reduce the pollution and effect on climate change. The dissemination of renewable energy sources is inevitable in the long term. In order to secure our future, it is imperative to initiate honest exploration to resolve the potential problems of pollution. The “green economy” can boost job creation and the local energy production methods can serve as the basis of sustainability of natural resources. Energy import may be reduced through sub-regional and autonomous local energy production and supply solutions based on renewable sources through the promotion and implementation of a more energy conscious lifestyle.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodological approach is mainly descriptive. The analysis is based on relevant statistical data from secondary sources from national and international literature.

Findings: The analysis unequivocally demonstrate that the state of the environment has continued to deteriorate and natural resources are wasted unnecessarily. In the future, the process is expected to continue to worsen as the population, in parallel with it consumption, grows exponentially. Green growth can be measured with already developed indicators and it helps to realistically assess the situation. The biggest challenges are: climate change, reduction of biological diversity, on-sustainable management of water resources, and pollution and health effects of hazardous chemicals. It can be declared that for the sake of development and sustainability the economic model based on conventional (fossil) energy sources must be replaced by an alternative economic model which is basically built on green technologies and utilises renewable energy sources on a large scale.

Research Limitations: The study is descriptive in nature. The accuracy of the analysis is dependent upon the accuracy of the data reported by secondary sources.

Practical Implications: The significance of this study lies in addressing the issues and problems of sustainable natural resource utilization in our future.

Originality/Value: This paper describes an independent, self-carried analysis of sustainable natural resources by the researcher. The findings are own independent assessment of the researcher.


Sustainability, Renewable Sources, Green Economy, Pollution.

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