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Purpose: The primary purpose of this paper is to investigate the nature and prevalence of Knowledge Technology in knowledge organizations and how Knowledge Technology varies across six knowledge organizations on sectoral lines and two genders of knowledge workers from the sample of 204 employees.
Design/Methodology/Approach: A questionnaire, containing basic demographic variables and Knowledge Technology items has been provided to respondents i.e., to workers and managers spread across various functional groups, managerial levels from six selected knowledge organizations operating in different sectors of the Indian economy. A total of 204 fully-filled questionnaires have been received both personally and through emails and digital forms. The collected data was statistically treated, using SPSS, with the technique of Principal Component Analysis to figure out the relative importance of items in the Knowledge Technology variable and its unitary nature. Multiple Regression Equation with dummy variables is used to decipher the distribution of Knowledge Technology across six Knowledge Organizations. The difference of perception regarding Knowledge Technology across both genders was assessed using Multiple Regression Equation with dummy variables.
Findings: Knowledge Technology is found out to be a unitary variable shown in one Principal Component encompassing 5 technological items having dimensions such as ability to cater to user idiosyncrasies, contextuality of available knowledge, and intimate connectivity between knowledge and user. The sectoral differences were found and it was evident that the organizations belonging to IT sector are far ahead in having Knowledge Technology in their organizations. No significant gender differences were found between the perception of male and female knowledge workers regarding their perception of Knowledge Technology in their respective organizations.
Research Limitations: This study was conducted in only six knowledge organizations located in India with a sample of 204 knowledge workers. Hence, its generalizability is limited to other similar contexts. The limitations of the questionnaire survey technique are also applicable.
Practical Implications: This paper points out that the Knowledge Technology is the unitary variable and the main focus of the Knowledge Technology should be on the accessibility of data, information, and network to individual user or knowledge worker per se. Even though the organizations operate in different sectors of the economy, efforts should be made such that all the other Indian organizations which are not operating in IT sector, can also benefit from proper deployment of the Knowledge Technology focussing on individual knowledge worker’s needs and requirements being fulfilled at the right time and at the right place for effective knowledge management.
Originality/Value: There are very few research studies which focus mainly on the technological dimension in the Indian organizations. This empirical research paper tries to fill this gap. This empirical study is all about the Knowledge Technology in Indian organizations and its distribution across gender and sectoral dimensions of the economy.
Knowledge Technology, Knowledge Organization, Knowledge Worker, ICT, IT.