Journal Press India®

Vol 19 , Issue 1 , January - June 2018 | Pages: 1-16 | Research Paper

State-owned Fund Raising Entrepreneurship at Local Government of Bangladesh for Socioeconomic Development

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Uttam Kumar Datta, Senior Management Counselor, Head of Marketing Management Division, Bangladesh Institute of Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh (

Purpose: The main objective of this research is to find out an opportunity of state-owned fund raising entrepreneurship development at local government for earning revenue to strengthen the development fund and capacity for delivering more public services and building a balanced national economy of Bangladesh as well as other developing and under developed countries.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The identified problem of this study is to find out the scope of developing entrepreneurship at local government for fund raising in building the national economy. This study is an exploratory research in nature. Both secondary and primary data have been used in this research. Qualitative data have been collected by conducting two Key Information Interview (KII) at two Upazila Parishads of Bangladesh. In each KII, eight participants attended the discussion. All individual opinions over the KII discussions have been recorded by using a mobile device. Two personal interviews have been also recorded from the DDLG (Deputy Director of Local Government), Khulna and DF (District Facilitator), Khulna. The data collected from the KII interviews and personal interviews have been presented analytically within the theoretical framework of social and non-profit organization.

Findings: In analyzing both secondary and primary data, it is found that local government is not able to create, communicate, and delivery voter-market oriented public services due to blocked grants and shortage of development fund. The KIIs have identified opportunities to establish locally produced farm-product based small and medium industries and logistic supports to facilitate the rural farmers. On the other hand, some service oriented enterprises may be established to earn additional revenue to strengthen the local government. A conceptual model has been established on the basis of secondary and primary data to define the research problem for conducting a quantitative research.

Research Limitations: This research has defined the research problem and scope of establishing fund raising enterprises at local government. A conclusive (experiment) research should be conducted for making decision.

Practical Implications: All under-developed and developing countries who are facing fund crisis for socio-economic development can apply the new concept on pilot project basis.

Originality/Value: This is a new concept of socio-economic development. It is an original research for the under-developed and developing countries in achieving SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).


Local Government, Entrepreneurship, Fundraising, Socio-Economic Development.

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