Journal Press India®

Vol 18 , Issue 2 , July - December 2017 | Pages: 97-111 | Research Paper

Assessing Influence of Perceived Psychological Ownership on Perceived Organizational and Supervisory Support: An Empirical Investigation in Quick Service Chain Restaurants

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Ashutosh Nigam, Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Vaish College of Engineering, Rohtak, Haryana, India (

Purpose: Implementation of psychological ownership practices in organization creates positive influence on employee performance in organizations and resulting in lower attrition rates. It focuses on possessive feeling and contributes positively towards job satisfaction and staff retention. By employing the structural equation modeling technique, the model adapts a total of seven constructs namely self-efficacy, belongingness, accountability and territoriality, perceived psychological ownership, perceived organizational support, and perceived supervisory support. The study is based on the survey data collected through quick service chain restaurants located in national capital region, Delhi. Results of the model validated and concluded that psychological ownership increases the perceived organizational and supervisory support in work organizations.

Design/Methodology/Approach: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis approach was adopted to understand antecedents that influence perceived psychological ownership and its influence on perceived psychological support and perceived supervisory support among employees of organized quick service chain restaurants.

Findings: The paper identified the antecedents of perceived psychological ownership and focused on the interrelationship of psychological ownership on organizational and supervisory support in quick service chain restaurants for their survival and scalable plans through policies and push factors.

Originality/Value: The work is the first attempt in which a concept of psychological ownership is explored for the employees of quick service chain restaurants. Very few studies actually exist in the Indian context which explain how the psychological ownership can be used to explore perceived organizational and supervisory support among the employees. The paper focused on the integration of management and employees for the achievement of organizational goals by creating human asset.


Self-Efficacy, Belongingness, Accountability and Territoriality, Perceived Psychological Ownership, Perceived Organizational Support, and Perceived Supervisory Support.

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