Journal Press India®

Vol 18 , Issue 2 , July - December 2017 | Pages: 75-86 | Research Paper

Measuring Job Satisfaction of Academicians Using Herzberg Theory

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Virender Khanna, Professor, Head of Department, School of Business and Entrepreneurship, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India (

Purpose: The study aims to test the significance of Herzberg theory in the field of academicians. The study also aims to measure the differences in the satisfaction level of academicians towards their job on the basis of the location of their home town, i.e. from North India and other parts of the country. Research.

Methodology: The study is primary in nature and data has been collected with the help of self-developed questionnaire. The sample size of the study was 478 teachers working in the central universities of North India. Researcher has used the multiple regression analysis, stepwise regression analysis and t-test in the study.

Findings: It was found from the study that; the Herzberg theory of Job satisfaction successfully applies to the academicians. Both the motivation and hygiene factors have been found to be positively and significantly related to the job satisfaction. It has been found from the study that there is a significant difference in the satisfaction level of academicians towards the motivation and hygiene factors of job satisfaction due to the difference in their home town. Academicians whose home town is in North India are found to be highly satisfied towards the motivation and hygiene factors than the academicians whose home town is in other parts of the country.

Research Limitations: The sample size of the study is 478 only, which is of course very small in comparison to the population. The study is limited to the North India; it can be extended to other areas of the country also.

Practical Implications: This research paper highlights the importance of motivational and hygiene factors for increasing the job satisfaction among academicians. It was highlighted in the study that the job satisfaction of academicians has a significant impact on their motivation level, work engagement and their quality of teaching. Thus, it is important to focus on both the motivational and hygiene factors for increasing the job satisfaction among academicians, so that the quality of the teaching in the higher education institutes can be increased.


Job Satisfaction, India, Academicians, Herzberg theory, Motivation, Hygiene and Working conditions.

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